Outstanding expertise
Our firm has been advising on high profile political and economic affairs for many years.
The countless planning, authorisation and legislative proceedings and projects our lawyers have been asked to support bear witness to this.
Our lawyers’ successful track record in litigation both before national and European courts has gained us great acclaim. Redeker Sellner Dahs’ reputation of excellence is based on a profound knowledge of the political interdependencies and public procedures.
Due to our lawyers’ outstanding expertise, extensive forensic experience, and their ability to reach practical solutions that combine scientific depth and creativity, clients such as federal and district ministries, authorities at all administrative levels, public undertakings, European agencies, international organisations and parliaments rely on us for advice.
We cover
Our lawyers are efficient team players who will provide a practical and stringent solution even to the most complex issue.
We are your partner in the area of public law. Contact us.
Dr Ulrich Karpenstein
Leipziger Platz 3
10117 Berlin
T +49 30 885665‐142
F +49 30 885665‐99
172, Av. de Cortenbergh
1000 Brussels
T +32 2 74003‐22
F +32 2 74003‐29
Dr Matthias Ganske
Willy‑Brandt‑Allee 11
53113 Bonn
T +49 228 72625‐166
F +49 228 72625‐99
Prof Dr Alexander Schink
Willy‑Brandt‑Allee 11
53113 Bonn
T +49 228 72625‐145
F +49 228 72625‐99